Comparing most Retirement Investors with an Efficient Global Investor
Most Retirement Investors
- Do not have enough global exposure
- Mostly contribute to their pension fund
- Have most of their savings in pension funds
Efficient Global Investors
- Have enough global exposure across all of their savings (40% +)
- Contribute to a pension fund (± 50%), TFSA and other investments
- Have most of their savings in products other than pension funds
* Assumptions: Monthly contributions of R6,000 are made with a 6% annual escalation for 40 years. Annual CPI is 4.5%. Both investors share the same risk and asset class exposure. All tax rebates are reinvested. All returns are based on the historic gross total returns of various asset classes.
Efficient Global Investors
Efficient Global Investors receive independent, holistic financial advice that leads to the most efficient investment solution and global exposure.
Efficient Global Investors have greater access to global opportunities.
Efficient Global Investors have better protection against the Rand, local political turmoil, and poorly-managed prescribed assets.
Efficient Global Investors have more monthly income when they retire and more tax-free discretionary investments.